Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Another Dr's Appointment

I had another check up today. It was our "big" ultrasound day. They do one every time I go, but today was the one where they check for all the anomalies, look at the major organs, and do all the measurements. Everything looked great!!!! Whew, was I relieved. It turned out to be a much better experience than what we had with Isabella. The doctor said that she looks like a perfectly healthy little girl. All of her measurements were normal, and actually she is measuring about a week ahead. I am hoping that she doesn't get too big. I kinda like small babies just fine. :o)

I was good, as well. Blood pressure, iron, urine, and weight are all okay. I have gained about 3 lbs less this time around, but who knows when that might catch up with me. AND I had gained 6 lbs since my last visit. Buhh! I hate seeing those numbers, but I remember very vividly that the same thing happened during my 6th month with Izzy. Guess this mama and her babies just hit a growth spurt or something around this time.

So far, I am still feeling pretty good. Seems like I am generally more tired and feels little aches and pains more this time around, but I would attribute that to this being a second pregnancy and being a few years older. Sleeping is beginning to be a problem. I just don't sleep too well. I feel like a cow trying to roll over in the night, but that is just part of the package deal and it can only get worse from here out. Plus, this little one likes to party all night long. So, if I wake up she is awake and I can't go back to sleep easily. Then, on top of that, Izzy still isn't the best sleeper in the world...and I have a husband who snores. Seems that I just can't catch a break.

I still have a lot of ultrasound pics to post and others, as well. Martin's computer is messed up at the moment and it has all the pics on it. Sorry that I can't post any right now. Hopefully, it won't be too long til I have some up.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

So glad for the good news! And can't wait to see the pics of your little princess. Here's hoping you can squeeze a nap in sometime soon...