Thursday, September 16, 2010

2 Year Check-up

Today was Izzy's 2-year check up. I gave her Tylenol in advance thinking that we would leave with a very unhappy little girl. As we all know, a check up visit means shots. Ughhh! Well, we left with a very happy little girl who didn't get any immunizations. We go back on the 24th, so we can dread it for another week and a few days.
She did great though. Let the doctor look in her ears, mouth, etc. She did everything perfectly. I was a very proud mama. She even got a gummy worm from the doctor.

Here are our 24 month stats:

26.12 pounds, and that is at the 41st percentile for weight.

34.5 inches, and that is at the 65th percentile for height.

Head circumference of 19.69 inches, and that is at the 96th percentile.

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