Wednesday, October 13, 2010

25 weeks

So, we are a complete 25 weeks through. Can't believe how fast this is going, yet how far away Jan 26 seems. If we go full term, which we have no reason to think that we won't, there is anywhere between 13 and 17 weeks left. It is amazing how different the numbers 13 and 17 can sound. 13 seems so short when I think of the sleep deprivation that will soon hit us. Then, 17 seems so far away when I think of being pregnant for a complete 42 weeks.

Everything is going well. We met with one of our midwives yesterday. The birthing center is very nice. We spoke at length about this pregnancy and my previous pregnancy with Izzy. We talked about me having oligohydramnios (low amniotic fluid) the first time around. I learned that it is fairly common is smaller framed women and is no reason for concern, unless it gets very low. We talked about all of the things I am feeling this time. Aches, pains, etc. All is normal with a second/subsequent pregnancy. So I feel somewhat better.

However, as our due date gets closer I am getting more and more anxious about birthing this baby. I seriously get tears in my eyes with I think about it. You see, ignorance really is bliss. I know just how bad labor pains can be AND that it can be very long and drawn 72 hours long. I also know all about back labor and how epidurals don't always work. Not that I can really get one this time, but that makes me even more nervous. Anyway, long story short-the midwife tried to put my mind at ease with the whole "subsequent births are usually much shorter and easier" thing and we talked about things that can stop prodromal labor (in the event that it happens again.) We also talked about me seeing a Osteopath very soon in hopes of preventing back labor. She seems to think that my back isn't aligned as it should be, resulting in back labor. She says a lot of people have had success with this. So, we will definitely be giving that a try!!!

Only 2 more weeks and we will be in the 3rd trimester. It all goes very fast from there!!!

***Still have no pictures ready to post, but hoping that Martin can work on it tonight. Stay tuned.****

1 comment:

Jenn said...

All wonderful news... Keep taking good care of yourself. Can't wait to see pics!