The last 14 weeks have been pretty rough on me. This little person growing inside of me has decided to make things hard very early on.
I am now seeing what all of these "fun" pregnancy symptoms are all about. When I was pregnant with Izzy I felt amazing. I was never sick or anything. The only complaint I had then was feeling increddibly tired, which I actually didn't mind too bad. It was a free ticket to being extra lazy and not feeling the least bit bad about it. Oh, those were the days. Now I have a toddler to chase around and that really doesn't leave much time for resting in between. :o(
This time I have felt nauseated daily and I am pretty sure it began on day 1. It is funny how Martin and I both knew I was pregnant this time before we really knew. There is nothing worse than smelling bratwurst or other German meats at the imbiss (snack bar) while walking to the grocery store. Yuuuck!!!!
So, here is to welcoming the second trimester and hoping for a more energetic and well mama!!!
***Stay posted! I plan to post ultrasound pics as soon as I get back to Germany. Oh, and belly pics too. I am amazed at how this thing is already growing!! AND it shouldn't be too much longer until we know the gender of this little one.***
Kids New Year’s Eve Noisemaker Craft
2 months ago
I feel your pain girl!! I pray both of us kick this sickness soon!
Congratulations!!! Looking forward to seeing pix and hoping you feel better soon...
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