Yes, I love for my child to have a messy food face. Actually, some of my favorite pictures of her are just that. See, for most babies/toddlers eating comes naturally. However, there are a small handful that have a really hard time transitioning to purees and/or solids. We have traveled that road. Let me tell you, It has not been one bit of fun. However, things seem to be getting A LOT better now. Though, I am almost afraid to be excited, for fear that we may regress. There are many foods that she will eat on a consistent basis. Yay!!!! We still struggle with volume and just being able to sit there long enough to eat enough. We also have to work on self feeding skills, but we know that she can do it, she choices not too (can we tell we have some behavioral eating issues?). We are getting there though.
I can't even begin to explain how great it feels to have a kid that finally EATS!!!!!!
So, here are just a few of my favorite pictures:


A little watermelon.

Not too sure what this was...

And some Nutella....
Yes, I know that these are not the best of quality. However, they capture what my eyes and heart have been waiting for for a long 16 months....and that makes them the best pictures ever for me.
I agree.. Best pictures EVER!!! I'm so thrilled for you and fingers crossed that you have more "messy face" pictures to add to the collection!!
I am so glad she is doing better! :)
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