Friday, April 9, 2010

Today is the day.

Well, it is officially time to leave the good old USA for a little while. This time has passed by so fast. I hope to be back this summer, but Izzy is the one that will determine that. Until then I will be posting lots of pictures and updates about what we have been up to. It may take a couple of weeks until we get internet, but please check back in.

It is 1:20 a.m. right now and Martin and I have just now gotten our 6 bags of luggage and 3 carry-on's packed. It is going to be a short night, long day and very sad to say the least. I hate good-bye. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers as we venture across the ocean and to our new home.

Stay tuned.....

1 comment:

MBMills said...

I thought of you all day today. How exciting to set out on an new adventure, but so sad to say good bye. I know all will go well but it will take some time for everyone to adjust to this new circumstance. Have fun unpacking and getting set up in your new home.