Thursday, March 4, 2010

18 months old and I can't believe it!

I really cannot believe that my baby turned 18 months old on Monday. It seems impossible!! She has been with us for 1 1/2 yrs!!! Didn't I just bring her home from the hospital????

Today we went to the doctor for her last well baby check. All was good, except she knew from the moment that we walked in the door that something was "up". She was latched to my leg and was not about to move. She ended up getting 3 shots. Yuck! I always hate being a part of holding my baby down to let someone stick her. No fun! After is was done she was walking around rubbing her leg saying, "Ouch." Her growth is good. She weighs 25 lbs .5 oz and is 31.5 inches tall. Both being the 50th percentile for her age. Let me tell you...that has been no easy task!

She is currently on another eating strike. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!! Her pediatrician and I discussed really cutting her milk consumption back in an attempt to get her to eat more. We will have to cut her back to half of what she is currently doing, which will be about 12-16 oz a day (nearly nothing). That really scares me to death, but I think it needs to be done. We have decreased her formula intake before w/o results, but never to this degree. We are going to give it a try. However, her pediatrician expressed some great concern of doing this now. She says that Izzy is going to be under enough stress with the move that is getting ready to take place. So, maybe it will be best to wait until that is done. Not sure. I still have to discuss this with her feeding therapist and her nutritionist. We are also hoping that being around her cousins in Germany will help her out. Hopefully, modeling will good for her. Please, continue to keep her in your prayers as we struggle with this challenge.

Tomorrow we are going to have 18 month photos done. Stay tuned and they will be posted soon.....

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