Monday, January 4, 2010

2009 for us!

It really is amazing how much life has changed in such a short time. Though there have been some tough times, it has been great. Here is what has been going on with us:

Martin and Betsy:

  • Managed to survive 3 more looong months with a colicky baby. That was a total of 6 months...about twice as long as normal.
  • Managed to survive about 8 months of Gastroesophageal Reflux with Izzy. Yuck! We are so glad that we no longer look like a bird came to visit our shoulders. Need I say more!?!?
  • Decided to move to Germany for a few years. Martin has some family responsibilities to fulfill. I sure will miss my family, but at the same time it will be nice to get to know my other family better. I am excited!
  • Survived a 9+ hour flight with a 9 month old as we traveled to Germany in June. It was actually very surprising...she did great. It was so nice for Martin's family to finally see our little girl! I just hope that our flight in April will go just as smoothly. For some reason, hmmm, I am thinking that flying with a toddler will be much different.
  • Bought a new car to take to Germany with us!!!!
  • Continued daily, since about March to get Izzy to eat. Let me tell you - they don't all eat when they get hungry. Izzy would be perfectly content to starve herself if solid food was her only option. We will survive this and Izzy will too. We will just need lots and lots of prayers, encouragement and support along the way. This has been the most difficult journey of my life. It is a terrible feeling to feel completely helpless for your child and to worry about their well being and health.
  • Learned what it is like to love unconditionally and with all of our hearts. That is what parenthood will do for you! :o)

  • Learned to sit up!
  • Weaned herself from breastfeeding.
  • Learned to drink from a bottle and then a sippy cup!!!
  • Took swimming lessons!
  • Learned to crawl!
  • Learned to crawl up every step in our house (about 2 weeks after she learned to crawl)!
  • Got over all of that spitting up! YAY!!!!!
  • Learned to walk!
  • Learned to dance!
  • Learned to talk!
  • Turned 1 year old! WOW!!!!!
  • Learned to be VERY dangerous!
  • Learned to be her own person and does she ever have a personality. Let's just say that she has a VERY STRONG SPIRIT!!!!
  • Learned to pitch quite the tantrums, especially when she has to get in her car seat. Wheew!
  • Learned how to really worry her Mama and Papa...Urgh!!!
  • Continued to be very tenacious with her abilities to learn to eat - despite difficulties, scares, and set backs. She has not given up though!!!!

I am so proud of her! She is the light of my life!!!!

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