Monday, January 3, 2011

Mama and Baby Update

So, today we are 36 weeks and 5 days. That means that we could have a new baby in our house within the next 3 - 5 weeks!!!

I just got home from the doctor and everything is normal. Weight gain, BP, etc was all within normal range. They hooked me to the non-stress test machine to monitor baby's heartbeat, as well as contractions. Normally, in the US this isn't done unless you are high-risk, or if you have gone over your due date. It is standard procedure here. I am beginning to have mild contractions and the doctors said that we have a very active baby. Yikes! Please, not another Izzy!!!! I am really hoping for a calm baby this go around, but you get what you get. I love my little Izzy, but she is really a handful. I am a bit effaced, but have not dilated any. I have read it is pretty normal to efface early with a second/subsequent pregnancy. However, many second time mom's do not dilate until "real" labor has begun. We'll see what happens. The doctor also did another ultrasound. She has the same cute little nose that Izzy had in her ultrasound pictures! And she is around 2650 grams/5 lbs 13 oz. I think she will be about the same size as Izzy, which is perfectly fine by me.

Despite being a bit uncomfortable I am trying to enjoy and make the most the last few weeks with Izzy as a only child. Sometimes I look at her and think, "Poor kid. She has no clue that she is getting ready to be "dethrowned."

I hope I make it at least to my due date, but even better to Jan 3oth. My parents will be here on the 29th and it sure would be nice for them to be here when the day comes. I am also thinking that Feb 1st would be a great day for a birthday, since Izzy's is Sept 1st.

No pics this time, b/c I really don't look any different than I did last time I posted one. We'll get one up in the next few days.

For those who are wondering, we have a name. It will be Alina Kate and we will most likely call her "Ally."

So, on to another week...

1 comment:

Jenn said...

While an adjustment is surely in store for Izzy, there really is nothing quite like sisters :) :) Hang in there Mama, you're doing great!!!