Sunday, December 26, 2010



So, up until this last week I was feeling fairly good and sleeping pretty well too. I am simply amazed at how much things can change in a weeks time. I feel like my belly is literally going to explode and sleeping....well, what is that? It is also just amazing that a first and subsequent pregnancy can be so different. As my doctor told me last week, "A second pregnancy is a completely different experience." I would have to say that his words pretty much sum it up.

I can't really say that I am any bigger at this point than I was with Izzy and my weight gain is exactly the same as with her. So, I can't complain too much. The best part is that there are still NO stretch marks! Yippeeee! If history repeats itself I probably won't get much bigger from here out. With Izzy I actually lost a couple of pounds in the last few weeks. I am pretty sure that my belly button is going to be gone in the next few days.

Both our doctor and midwife say that everything seems to be going as it should. My iron was a tad bit low, which explains why I have been extra tired lately. I am beginning to feel the Braxton Hicks contractions pick up and they are much more uncomfortable than they were with Izzy. Some are actually so uncomfortable that I have to stop what I am doing and focus on the "pain." I am hopeful that my body will be more prepared for labor this time. I am pretty sure that I have served my dues in the extra long labor department...72 hours is really enough for a lifetime!

So, I present to you my 35 1/2 week belly!

The sweater just won't button anymore.....

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